

一、 Product Information

Product name

Cabbage concentrate

Product source

The red cabbage pigment is made from purple cabbage, a cruciferous plant, through extraction and refinement.

Physical and chemical properties


Red to purple-black powder; easily soluble in water, ethanol, methanol solution, insoluble in non-polar solvents such as benzene, chloroform, grease, etc. The solution is red to red-purple; under acidic conditions (pH2.0-4.0), the light and heat stability are good, and the hue changes from red to blue with the increase of pH.

Executive Standard

Enterprise Standard

Storage Method/Shelf Life

Store in a dark, cool, dry place after sealing/12 months


二、Product specifications/dosage form

Product specifications/dosage form

Color value


Product features


Cabbage concentrate


water soluble powder

No odor, good water solubility

It is widely used in frozen beverages, confection, Color decoration on the pastry, fruit and vegetable juice (pulp) beverages, mixed wine and other fields; currently it is not listed in GB2760.


三、 Product introduction:



The stability study results show that as the pH value increases, the maximum absorption wavelength red shifts, and the color of red cabbage pigment gradually changes from red to blue, indicating that anthocyanins can maintain their natural color-red color only in acidic media. It cannot exist stably in the medium.


四、 Product appearance and application effect:


Cabbage concentrate E50  0.1‰ solution(pH3.0)


Application effect diagram of cabbage red pigment under different pH